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    EPDM-R – The Newest Innovation in Safe Artificial Turf Infill

    EPDM-R granules are made from post-industrial material coming mainly from the automobile or appliance industries such as gaskets, washing machine flanges or car mats. These EPDM rubbers then undergo a recycling process, are carefully cleaned, sorted and ground into proper size granules for sport.





    The major benefit to EPDM-R is that unlike traditional crumb rubber infill (also known as SBR) which is made from shredded car and truck tires, EPDM-R is produced from exclusively EPDM rubbers so it alleviates the health concerns people have with conventional crumb rubber (ie. lead content, PAH’s, etc.) while still providing the same elasticity for gameplay that crumb rubber (SBR) does. For more information on EPDM-R infill click on this link: EPDM-R Artificial Turf Infill